Dog Training Facts:
#1 Puppies key socialization period is 3-16wks
It’s more important to socialize your new puppy with other people and animals than it is to teach obedience in the first 4 months. Early socialization is key to building confidence, trust and preventing behavioral problems.
#2 Dog’s want to make you happy
Teaching your dog new tricks, challenges and behaviors strengthens the bond with your dog. Studies show that dogs bond with their humans like babies do with their parents and naturally want to please them.
#3 Dog’s thrive on encouragement
Positive reinforcement training has been shown to have far better results in modifying a dog’s behavior than harsh training methods. Researchers suggest training your dog well and early on to avoid any problems with aggression.
#4 Dog’s may display sudden changes in behavior due to illness
If your dog suddenly starts acting aggressively or stops wanting to eat or walk, it could mean they are sick or injured. Dogs don’t complain like humans, but a change in their regular behavior or routine could indicate there’s something wrong.
Dog Food & Nutrition Facts:
#5 Dog’s love food, but food is not love
The food you give your dog will affect their overall health. But too much food or extra snacks and treats can make them overweight. A dog’s weight has a big impact on their longevity. Maintaining an ideal weight can prevent health problems that could result in Vet bills and an early death.
#6 Healthy table scraps are good for your dog
Yes there are many human foods that are toxic or harmful to your dog. However, there are many “people foods” that you can add to your dog’s dinner without doing any harm and can actually provide many benefits.
- Grilled or baked skinless boneless chicken
- Cooked or raw eggs
- Unseasoned, cooked hamburger meat
- Plain brown rice or cooked oatmeal
- Vegetables like carrots, spinach, peas, zucchini, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower
- Sweet potatoes, potatoes and pasta
- Plain cottage cheese and yogurt
- Homemade chicken or bone broth
We call this “real food”. However, keep it balanced and cut back on commercial food when adding people food to avoid over feeding.
Pet Care/Health Facts:
#7 Beware of overuse of antibiotics
Recent report says as much as 50% of antibiotic use is unnecessary or inappropriate and can cause more problems down the road like yeast overgrowth (UTI’s & ear infections) and related skin and bowel issues. They can also cause nutrient deficiencies, anemia, diarrhea, behavioral changes, poor immune health, oxidative stress, nerve degeneration and more.
If your dog has been on antibiotics, make sure to give them a good probiotic for at least a month.
#8 Bathing dogs with Dawn for fleas is NOT a good solution
Dawn dishwashing liquid is sometimes used as an alternative to flea shampoos. The detergent does drown fleas on dogs, but so does any other dog shampoo. However, Dawn is much harsher than pet shampoos, and it will remove your dog’s natural protective oils. Your dog’s skin can get extremely dry and irritated which will cause more scratching and itching.
Pet Communication Facts:
#9 Dogs have feelings, emotions and consciousness
National Geographic confirms that animals think, feel, create social connections and have consciousness. Pet communicators have been saying this for years.
Working with a pet communicator can help you:
- Find out the root of any problem behaviors and stop them at the source.
- Learn how to work with your dog’s energy using fun, unique games that strengthen your relationship and your training.
- Discover health issues and source of pain and emotional discomfort that is impacting overall wellbeing.